Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Commander in Flip Flop

President Obama spoke today, addresing the pressing needs in cutting down the deficit. What at first comes as a suprise later ends in dissapointment when Obama states that he will not raise any taxes but that there is a need to "tackle spending in the tax code...". Hint, he means we have to close loopholes.

America has a serious and possibly detrimental issue on its hands concerning our outstanding debt, however, Obama keeps comming back, looking for more to take out of the pockets of the American people's pockets, instead of looking for solutions that will help our society rebound and become the leader of economic growth.

Obama is very committed in making sure that the middle class does not get trashed in the process of extreme reform over medicaid and medicare... but has he, as president, come up with any realistic plans in tackling these issues? Of course not, and as a result he will continually crank up on the rhetoric against the rich, the very lifeblood of this country, so he can appease the demands that are required of a populist leader, in chief.

Thomas Sowell once famously said that the very first principle in economics that is learned is that there is a limited amount of resources. In politics, the very first thing that is taught is to ignore the prior lesson in economics. What will happen when the resources collected today become nothing more than artifacts of the past that have no sense of real value?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Passport Fraud or faulty law system

According to "", a navy veteran by the name Elisha Dawkins has been arrested on the account of passport fraud. At first glance, just the phrase "passport fraud" might seem sufficient to suspect that there is some illegal activity going on consisting of possible narcotics trafficking and the like. The tragedy of the situation is instead a mistake on the part of the veteran, the likes of which should never have taken place in the beginning.

We have become, for better or for worse, a nation that prosecutes whomever might break the law, giving the offender the highest punishment without any consideration of his actual predicament. To put it bluntly, the law was used not to carefully scrutinize the damage incurred in the so called "fraud" but instead used to prosecute the "fraud" committed for the sake of the law in the place of justice.

If Justice was implemented, the courts and other related authorities would have noticed that what occurred was not some evil intent, but simply human error. Instead you have characters in roles such as prosecutors and judges obeying the law for the law's sake but not for the sake of justice. One example that comes to mind is a pothead serving the same time as a rapist... Of course there actions were against the law, but does that make their exact same sentence just for the sake of the pothead?

Not too long ago, I knew someone who committed reckless driving. The judge noticed this individuals record and saw no prior crimes committed, and dropped the infraction from reckless to speeding, just a hair below reckless. This kid got off the hook once for his inexperience and naivete of the recklessness of his actions, however, if her were to commit the same infraction again, justice will catch up with him.

All in all, reason and justice must accompany the law, not for the sake of the law, but for society's sake.