Thursday, February 3, 2011

Regulation of the BP MIlk Spill

Milk is known obviously to contain fat, which can immediately be translated in being considered as containing a percentage of oil. Now for most people, this might not be seen as a problem at all, however, for the EPA, its a completely different story. Along being tasked by the President to regulate the use of petroleum in our nation after the disastrous events that unfurled after the BP oil spill in the Gulf, this savior of an agency is prepared to takle, with an onslaught of regulations, "emergency management" of milk spills due to their oil like properties. Now to some people this may not seem like such a big deal. The fact of the matter is, according to economist Thomas Sowell, that the costs to dairy farmers in making and maintaining these "management" procedures, along with the need to hire new regulators on the federal side, will cost consumers and producers both more money. In these difficult times, these events really do call to mind whether there are really good regulations for the most part to justify the existence of most of our nation's bureaucracy. I do believe that they are really important types of regulations that our nation should honor such as the food we eat and the water we drink. As for these regulations concerning milk spills, i think this is stupid. Just ask yourself, when will you ever see people fighting for their livelihoods in the wake of a milk spill? Come on America, its time to stop worrying about spilled milk stupid.

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